Helen Czerski
Helen Czerski is an Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College London, as well as a popular science presenter for the BBC and award-winning writer. She is a physicist and oceanographer, working on the influence of near-surface bubbles for the uptake of carbon by the ocean. She received the 2018 Lord Kelvin Medal from the Institute of Physics for her work on communicating physics to a wider audience. Helen is an Honorary Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge, has been awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the British Science Association and was one of the 2020 Royal Institution Christmas Lecturers.
30-May-2023ICC AuditoriumKeynote Session 1 - Robots for Society
31-May-2023ICC AuditoriumKeynote Session 3 - Human-Like Robots
31-May-2023ICC AuditoriumKeynote Session 4 - Morphological Computation
01-Jun-2023ICC AuditoriumKeynote Session 5 - Agrifood Robots